Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Trifecta

The Matrix:
Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.

When I get up in the mornings and commute to work, one of two things can happen:

1)      I’ll either sit with my headphones on and attempt to find my happy place. 

Ohhhh you know the place, devoid of the stench, filthy rats, and deplorable bed bugs.  Oft it’s a place with fluffy bed covers, lots o’sunshine, plenty of men, and the slight aroma of french fries in the air (Hey man, no judging…I’m dieting…and well…. french fries IS my happy place there I said it..happy now?)

Or 2) I’ll stay in the present, and absorb in all of New York. And when I say all, I mean ALL.  From the shivering rat hovering in the corner on the train, the sanctified bible toting Holy Roller, to the homeless dude blowing kisses in the air.  I mean ALL of it.

Today I choose the latter.  Yes I know, a rarity, but even I take the red pill every now and then.  Anyway, as I was saying, I was sitting on the train taking it all in. You know the usual, assessing who’s who and what’s what…and if that “what” was sitting next to me.  You know what I mean? *goes to slaps hand*

So there was a strange feeling in the air.  Nope, wasn’t the smell of dirty trash or sour milk.  It was more like….the feeling of being settled…relaxed even. Yea, I know what you’re saying. This isn’t strange?  And my response: Au Contraire Mon Frere….

Lots o’ thangs live here in NYC…but relaxation ain’t one of them. Remember that kiddos. Stay on your toes ladies and gents…the tippy’s. TRUST!

Anywho, then later as I was running out at lunch to pick up a bottle of vino (don’t ask…you’re not ready for the answer)…. (and no it does not involve me sippin’ a nip at the job. Focus!) there it was again…that feeling. The strange one. *whispers settled*.  Yeah that’s the one.  This time it was wrapped up in the slight tinge of rotting trash, but I digress. 

So, then I thought…well, where is this feeling coming from? Those who know me, know I harbor a serious Love /Hate relationship with this city.  Some days more hate than love and vise versa. So Settled? Relaxed?…yeah, those things don’t live here. Nope Na uh..No Ma’am. No sir.

I mean come ooooon…. why do we  REALLY stay here? The pizza? Chicago’s is better.  (no shade)
The people?  More crazy than sane.
Broadway? Can’t remember the time I went to a show. 
The skyline? Can't see it past my high priced alley view.

I mean, my choices seem to be pay rent or go on vacation. Go on vacation, don’t pay rent. Pay Rent, no vacation for me. Who has to make those choices in other cities? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?

So the only plausible reason is this:  The Trifecta.  Term coined by a dear friend of mine.  Her statement is there are three things people hope to find and/or struggle to have in this city:   a good man, good job, and a good apartment: The Trifecta.

You can get the apartment but still search for the job.  Get the job, but move yearly looking for the apartment. And the man? That deserves a post on it’s on….we’ll call that Mission impossible. Hell, it’s even all together possible you can spend a lifetime looking for just one…yes ONE item on the list.  And you know what? People happily stay here doing so.  Don’t ask me why? It’s like a sick secret society. We only acknowledge each other with grunts and eye rolls….you know you wanna join. lol

So back to the matter at hand, what does this have to do with me you ask?


I have the apartment. Only two more left.  GAME ON BITCHES!



  1. This sounds like a woman who KNOWS HER PIZZA! (1 PeQuads coming right up!)

  2. Eff that bread casserole they keep pushing off as pizza in Chicago.
