Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Funny How Time Flies...

“Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”  ~Mark Twain

Aging is a funny thing. As long as you’re alive, you’ll always get older it’s a given, yet we always fight it as if we have the ability to change it. *side eye* Like a few years ago, when my father turned 60, he refused to celebrate it with me.  And I mean REFUSED! Of course I forced him anyway. (Yall know I love birthdays! The minerva!!)  To be quite honest, I thought that was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard.  And to explain why he didn’t want to celebrate, he said something to me that will stick with me forever.  He said, “In my head I feel like I’m your age, but when I look in the mirror, I say damn, how did you get this old?” hahahahahahaha…I died (no really if you know my relationship with my father, yall know I was on the floor rolling around in dead laughter!)   I found that statement to be so funny because I’m like dude, you’re 60…you’ve had plenty of years to adjust to the concept? No? I mean does that thought like NEVER go away? Do you not adjust?

Anywho, if I’m honest I will have to admit there are days that I look in the mirror and I see that I’ve aged.  From the weight I’ve gained, to the gray hairs, to the way my face is framed…and I think, gosh…when did this happen.  I mean I turn 35 this year as many of my peers (blucka blucka <<my gun salute lol) and I find myself wondering where the heck did the time go?  Didn’t we just celebrate my 25th the other day?   

Don’t get me wrong, although I am baffled at turning 35, I’m totally enjoying life and trust and believe I’m milking the hell out of it with intense fervor.  But I AM turning 35 and that alone gives cause to pause lol.  And as August creeps up I can’t help but to wonder, How did I get this old???

Ooooh the irony right? The same question…How-Did-I-Get-This-Old??? 

1 comment:

  1. I totally get your dad... Im 35 and i feel 24-ish in my head. I don't think I will ever adjust. Especially since i calculated that I will be 40 in five years and my son will only be...8. Dear GOD!! like time is racing by for me and snailing it for him. Put my 35 in contect of my parents and I start hyperventillating!
