Monday, June 6, 2011

A Public Announcement

This goes out to all my girls
That's in the club rocking the latest
Who will buy it for themselves and get more money later”

I have beef with people that assume they speak for all more specifically the over the top feminist.  You know the ones that tell us what’s right, what’s wrong i.e. women should be tired of being in the kitchen...etc.   Like I’m amazed at the side eyes I receive when I tell people I believe in male/female roles or the shade tossed my way when a woman says “I can do everything a man does and then some”, and my response is “…perhaps, but I’ll pass”.  Maybe I’m just not feminist enough. But quite frankly I don’t want to do it all.  Nope, not interested in cutting the yard, working on cars, taking out the trash…being man AND woman.  Now I’m not knocking those women who run around challenging all men.  More power to you! *bows head and gives dap* I, how-some-ever, will pass.

Seriously, am I the only one that think some feminist have taken it a taaaad far?  Hey man, to each it’s own.  You and your breeches, me and my pencil skirt. Everyone has choices.  You choose yours, but leave me out of it. LOL   I mean I’m listening Beyonce’s “Run the World” and I love it (now), buuuuuut…just a tiny itty bitty teeny weeny but…there’s that small percentage of woman that take this song to mean…. “eff men..we don’t need ‘em”….(uhhhh errrrr????)

I mean how many times have you heard a woman say “I’m good I don’t need a man” And maybe they’re focusing on the need part…I mean I guess aside from food, shelter, water...we don’t NEED anything.  But you best believe I want one.  No? Do I stand alone? 

Hmmmph, I drove from Chicago to New York recently…took me 4 days (unloading etc) to complete my move.  AND although at the end I popped my collar and knew I could always hold myself down…I’d be lying if I didn’t say about 6 hours in, I thought…damn, it be really great if I had a husband…boyfriend…boy-friend…random male stranger. LOLOLOL.  I mean who doesn’t want a partner? No? Now the driving part isn’t so gender specific (although I’m sure every man would probably disagree with me lol) but it was the project, the event, the moving, the loading, unloading, and then the LOOOONG ASS drive!  I don’t know…I’d classify it as manly in my book lol.

Now don’t get me wrong, for all of the feather rufflers out there, this does not mean that I’m saying that woman can’t do any and everything. I believe in equality for all.  If those are the things that you WANT to do, by all means get it poppin’

I’m all for girl power…we CAN run the world…*pumps fist in air*
But do not include me in that “man bashin’, I don’t need a man, I can do everything a man does” grouping.  K?

*steps up clears throat and says….*
“ummm …yeah….no

This single lady wants a man, acknowledges I can not do everything he does, and quite frankly don’t wanna. 

And if I had one, press believe he would have been driving that truck to New York.

Carry on.

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