Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Words have meaning and names have power.  ~Author Unknown

Sigh…I hate to go here, but you know sometimes you have to broach uncomfortable topics.  And well…I’ll nominate myself.  I just want to talk to you…woman to woman…woman to man….hell, friend to friend.  Perhaps converse a bit about terms of endearments shall we? Let's can I say this delicately….some of yoooooou….quite possibly… take this....umm.... shit too far….TOO far. 

Yes, you the one that calls your boo-ski…”Boo Boo Bear”…. “Smooches”…. “Snuckums”….hmmph, the other day I was on the train and I heard someone call her dude “Snuffleupagus”. I promise I AM not making that up! Yes, he was a big guy and perhaps cuddly. And really it wasn’t the name that made my skin crawl; it was HOW she said it….it made me feel ….feel…dirty. Like it was something she might purr or yell out in the throes of passion.  For a second it felt like I had invaded her bedroom, and yet all the while I’m sitting on the #3 train. 

Now no matter how much that irked me, Nothing, NO THING…makes my skin crawl like hearing a woman call her man…..wait for it…..Daddy.  ARGH! I mean listen,  I’ve dropped many of  “babes” “ huns” or “sweeties” in my day and a handful of those are passable...we don’t have to even be in a relationship of sorts for me to use them.  Well, except for babe.  Babe can be tricky….I don’t use it THAT lightly and I love a good babe, trust.  (Something so sweet yet non-committal about it that just grabs my heart…kind of like a harmless word LOL) But this isn't about me, this is about YOU.  Yes, you. Soooooo, do you actually like some of those names? You know, let the record show, not all terms are created equal, and let’s be honest  terms like Poppa and Daddy….uhhh yeah no…I cannot. Those…terms…are deplorable…forbidden...dreadful...cast out...!!!!!! <<<Get the point?

Let’s just speak frankly. What is even sexy about calling a man….Daddy? Is there a turn-on there? It’s just way creepy…way way waaaaay creepy. Actually *gags*…it makes my stomach turn to even think about a woman calling their man “daddy”…even typing it makes me a tad faint….woozy if you will.

Why, you ask? The. shit. is. incestuous.  Period.  I don’t need to go into details and if I do….*side eye to you* Because really, there’s no reason why the thought of daddy should ever make it into my bedroom or loving relationship. *gags*

Now, before you think I’m throwing shade, Pah, pa-lease, I’m a lovey dovey person too, okaaaay.  Well, perhaps not lovey dovey per se, but I can be… my heart….you know, sometimes.  Okay so, maybe I’m not totally like a cuddly lovey, kissy person (on the outside) but on the inside I totally am!  And I believe someone said it’s the inside the counts? Yes? Yes.

But check it; I love a good nickname too.  NOT necessarily terms of endearments (sans my beloved Babe) but a good nickname will always tickle my fancy.  Perhaps it’s because I have so many of them but nicknames for me show a certain type of closeness.  It’s like a kinship in the fact that you’re comfortable in calling me something against the norm and/or a little deeper than the government name.  Now I’m an unusual case.  I have had nicknames my entire life, so many different variations and forms it’s unbelievable. From Nene, to Yana, to Ya Ya, to Aye, to Nika and the list goes on.  I love them all.  Some my family gave me, some others gave me and they're great! Love 'em!  And in all actuality, I suppose that’s what terms of endearments are, names that show the closeness you have with your loved one.  And that I can get, I really can. 

Yo, I’m not asking you to totally give it up.  I get it, everyone wants to feel loved and those words help you feel that warm some thing with your loved one.  I guess in the end what I’m saying is, I can really (sort of kind of) live with the sweeties, honeys, sunshines of the world. However…let’s be clear… the Big Boys, Punisher’s, Lover boys, Stud muffins, Mama’s big torturers, and Big Daddies can die a slow…….slooooooooooooooow….death.  Did I say die?

I mean because really is your endearment based on THOSE terms…if so then………

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