Thursday, November 8, 2012


"Those who do not weep, do not see.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Once upon a time there was a young lady who cried,
She cried so much people thought certainly someone died!
It wasn't that she cried because she was sad…
It wasn't that she cried because she was mad…

She wasn't in pain…
And she certainly didn't cry in vain
Yet this young lady cried and she cried very much.

She cried over big things and some little things too
People who've wronged her and wronged also you.
But then she cried because she was happy and joyous as well,
See why this young lady cried no one could really tell.

People were confused and found it quite bizarre
Some would offer their condolences, regrets from afar.
‘Cause people were afraid of getting close for fear of repercussions,
Afraid of coming near, afraid to spark a discussion.

In return the young lady masked her tears
She hid them from her loved ones… she hid them from her peers.
She felt ashamed of her leaking tear ducts.
They were sensitive and confused people, which totally fucking sucked.

Then one day she was thinking as she was wiping her tears,
Some things are what they are, and she certainly IS who she is.
And if you can’t be who you are, around your family or peers
Then you should reconsider your company or at least have some that endear.

Because in the end if a tear runs them away
Or even makes them stray…
Friends they were not;
They just weren't meant to be, so no need to be fraught.

Alas the young lady embraced her tears, ready to shed them another day.
Be it joyous occasions, or gloom or even in dismay.
She was ready to be the EMO girl she was called to be.
She’s a crier DAMN IT….and that girl is me.

The End….

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