Tuesday, August 28, 2012


“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?" Albert Einstein

Have your emotions ever gotten out of control? Have they run straight amok? Gotten completely out of hand? Taken control of you, instead of you in control of them? Have you ever gone from 0-100 in .5 seconds? If you can’t answer yes to any of these, then this is not the blog post for you.  Please gather your things and come back another day.  BUT, if you so much as paused, my friend…this is YOUR post, hand delivered by moi.  Yes, I had YOU in mind when I wrote this…see how selfless I am? I'll take my gifts in the form of the Cosby Show box set (Yes, I’m still waiting. Yes, I still want it.  No, we won’t address whether I’m loved or not.)
Okay just a little housekeeping, let me be clear, just because you’re emotional does not make you…how can I say this delicately… *ahem* crazy.  I don’t want the title to give the wrong impression.  Yes, I may refer to it as “crazy” but you know I use that word like of a term of endearment almost.  It’s truly an endearing quality. You know a little bit of love…a little bit of crazy? No?  Hahaha.  Yo, emotions crazy does not make.   HOWEVER, what you DO with those emotions, well now THAT my friends can be the makings of some classic crazy situations. 
Listen, I’ve done some serious um…research…yeah, that’s it….RESEARCH on this topic! And as an expert (from research) I know crazy first hand and crazy lives in everything.  Crazy lives at home, at work, in friendships, and in relationships, ESPECIALLY relationships.  And from the perspective of a woman, emotions quite frankly are involved in everything as well.  Those that say they aren't…..LIE. (Yeah I said it, now what are you going to do about it?)
No matter whether it's Platonic or if it's romantic, relationships, emotions and crazy all go hand and hand.  And this isn't just for the ladies, the fellas, yeah they’re just as equally emotional.  Trust me on this, my research shan’t lie.  You know, I KNOW, no one wants to be the crazy one but sometimes you can’t help it. When that crazy comes down on you, it’s like a force uncontrollable with even the strongest power, you can feel it  snowball from the top down until….POW…blackout! (From what I hear lol)
I have seen a grown woman ram a perfectly good car into her man’s car because her emotions got the best of her!  Hell, I’ve seen an equally grown man lay wait in a bush for hours waiting for his suspected cheating girl to come home to “surprise” her because of his emotions.   Relationships are the cesspools for crazy! If you don’t remember anything else, remember that!!!!
Listen, people, if you think you’re not the crazy one in your relationship. YOU. ARE. IN. FACT. THE. CRAZY. ONE! LOL What I’m trying to tell you is we’re all crazy in relationships.  The question is who’s the craziest? And can you live with that crazy?  But trust and believe crazy is there.  Now when you’re in the bed tonight, look at your partner and if he/she's not the crazy one…then homie it’s you. (Thank me later) I mean, it’s not your fault. You’re a victim… LOLOL.
But I digress.  So the point is your emotions can pull something out of you that even YOU won’t recognize when the dust settles.  Recently, I (surprise, surprise) had an emo moment and the next day I looked in the mirror and said “Nika? Is that you?” Luckily, for me, as emotional as I can be I very rarely stay in the moment.  I say what I mean, I mean what I say, and then I may ask if you want to go to brunch the next day (See that rhyme there??? Skills I tell you!)  Yet, unfortunately for me, that tactic makes me look a tad bit ….um…well...crazy.  People don’t know when you’re going to be sensitive or fun, up or down, perky or sad, emotional or joking. It’s a gamble.  And to be quite honest, there’s nothing you can do about it but hope people see the goodness in you, your sincerity, and your genuineness annnnd basically learn how to massage your crazy hahaha!
So, this one particular day my crazy came “untucked”.  Given it was not unprovoked because trust and believe there was a cause and a reason and you know your girl so happily provided the action but nonetheless I needed to proceed to tuck that baby back in.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…”Crazy lies within”.  LOL.  Everyone has a little bit of crazy in them; it’s all about how you handle it.  Crazy MUST BE maintained always.  No excuses.  But every now and then the slip will show, and that’s okay, but you MUST…MUST-MUST-MUST…tuck it back in. Understand? 
Now, there are several methods to the tuck back.  Oh what’s the tuck back? It’s the explanation or the practice of which you pick your face and your emotions off the floor, regain your sanity and composure, and keep it moving. And yes, please believe it’s a skill:
1)      There is the “Dissertation” tuck back.  This is when one will provide a blow by blow exposition, if you will, on why and how crazy unraveled. This method comes with a thesis, methodology, analysis AND a conclusion.  They feel the need to offer an explanation of said breakdown and will be offended if you don’t listen.  Be prepared, they will need something from YOU in order to regain composure, either an apology, some compassion, some love, or some attention. There’s a lot of work for this method on both ends.  It usually ends unfavorably.

2)      You have the “Flat Out Denial” tuck back.  There’s no explanation needed here.  It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. You are mistaken. Carry on.

3)      The “Transitive” tuck back.  This is explained by the equation. If A=B, B=C, THEN A=C.
In other words, He/She=Emotions, Emotions=Crazy therefore He/She =Crazy<<not you.  Hahaha! Of course your crazy came "untucked". THEY are the crazy ones, not you…you’re just a victim. We are done here.<<Hey man, don't think about this one to hard...it works if you work it ;-)

4)      There’s the “*Poof Abracadabra*” tuck back also affectionately called the “What Happened” tuck back.  This is when crazy goes awry and after the dust is settled, you carry on as if nothing ever happened.  It’s not that you’re denying it; you just don’t want to discuss it.  If executed properly, those involved will wonder if they imagined that it ever happened.  This one takes expert “tuckage” don’t try this if you’re an amateur; you will only succeed in looking crazier. Trust me on this. (proof in research)

5)      Then you have the “Self-Reflection” tuck back.  This is when you step back and have a bit of introspection to figure out what about you triggered your specific reaction and how you can avoided reacting the same way again.  This is the healthiest method and the one I use the most because you can’t change others, because in the end you can only change yourself and how you react to others.   Riiggggght?

      **Ha! Who am I kidding…I’ve been known to poof abracadabra on that ass too! Hahahahaha...***

You know sometimes it’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. Oh that’s not how the saying goes?  Well, my research *wink wink* shows that anything done in flare and style is forgivable within reason.  Now, if you’re keying cars, spray painting hoe on doors (not that I've EVER done such a thing), and throwing bricks in windows, the tuck back goes out the window. ….

Trick, run!!!!!

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