Friday, June 1, 2012


“No matter where you go, you are what you are player
And you can try to change but that's just the top layer
Man, you was who you was 'fore you got here
Only God can judge me, so I'm gone
Either love me, or leave me alone”  Jay-Z

When I first started this blog, my goal was to simply have an avenue outside of my job to continue to explore my creativity and build my writing skills sans script writing.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep up with it, nor was I sure if I was going to even enjoy it. And quite frankly, I struggled with telling my stories in my voice with my own personal writing style yet not divulging too much of myself to strangers.  But who would I be if I didn’t share….a little too much, certainly not Nika!  I am grateful for the fact that I have an avenue to be me, an unadulterated, raw me and that you all still click and read each time.  So dope! Maybe one day I’ll stop, maybe one day this will turn into a book, maybe one day my readership will grow, maybe one day more people will subscribe, but until then it’s you and I…and our quaint little conversations.  Thanks for encouraging me to continue down this road. 

In the course of writing, I’ve shared many stories, but mostly I’ve been detailing my life through my eyes, as only I can see it.  And in the end, this has become a “single black woman, living in New York City, working as a freelancer, looking for love, finding heartbreak, dodging the crazies, reflecting on life, sorting the bullshit” kind of survival guide.  In a nutshell, it’s been a cluster fuck.  And I love it.

The reason I can’t classify this as a certain type of blog, is because I’m not one certain type of girl, let’s face it, I’m all over the place.  I like to believe it makes me less unstable and more endearing ;-)    Let me explain, I can be a complex being.  But better yet, the best way I can describe me, my thoughts, and my blog is this childhood story:

**Blogger note: This may be the point where you want to ask yourself if you want to go any further, it’s okay...if you don’t….I understand (sort of..Okay who am I kidding the Leo in me says “Trick you betta keep reading!”)**

·         When I was a little girl, I once got a spanking every day for a week for doing the same thing.  Yes.  EVERY DAY.  What was I doing, you ask? I went swimming in my best friend’s pool.  Now this doesn’t seem like a major offense right? But if you have hair as thick as mine, whose mother despised even as so much running a brush through it, and add washing it?! Ha! No offense could have been worse. Trust me!  I may as well have sat on the good couch eating ribs whilst drinking red pop. (Yes, pop and yes, you all know what a major crime that was!)

 So, I was not allowed to swim at my friend’s house because my mother did not want to do my hair.  But, I didn’t care.  Personally, between you and I, I thought my mother was being *whispers* lazy. And I wanted to swim.  I mean, shit can I live??? Yeah, the answer was clearly no.  So this is how that week went and how I got caught: 

Day 1: I swam and came home…wet clothes … wet hair like YOLO! <<spanking.  
Day 2: I swam, I dried the clothes in the drier, but my hair had only dried on the outside<<spanking. 
Day 3: I swam, I dried the hair, dried the clothes, forgot to put on lotion…I’m black and ain’t nothin’ like that pool ash to highlight chocolate skin <<spanking.
Day 4: I swam, I dried the hair, dried the clothes, put on lotion, but did not shower and smelled like chlorine (hey I was like in the 3 grade, those type of faux pas were fine back then) << spanking
Day 5: I swam, I dried the hair, dried the clothes, showered, put on lotion, BUT my friend’s mom called and said I left my swimsuit over there, when I what? WENT SWIMMING! <<spanking.

Sigggh, you get the point….

Now what does this tell you about me? (not everybody answer at once) Mischievous?  Naaaah.   Hardheaded?  Perhaps.  Rebellious? Eh.  Determined and resilient? Fuck yeah!
Now there are several ways to look at this story.  One could look at this and say, doing the same thing over and over again gets you nowhere, learn the first time and move on and avoid the pain. On the flipside, you can look at this and say, although I did the same thing over and over again and the results were painful, I never made the same mistake twice.  Progress!  

I believe in progress you all.  I can’t guarantee I’ll make the right choices.  Hell right now, If I’m honest,  I’m  currently making some pretty bad choices in who I allow into my heart, into my life, and my spirit.  It happens.  I am not perfect.  You are not perfect.  We are not perfect.  But what I do know is, I learn, I progress, and I move forward.  Not every result in life is going to be favorable, but we have to be determined to push forward anyway. Sometimes we repeat our mistakes, sometimes we stop the first time, and sometimes it makes a too sore tush to teach us that hard lesson.  But the point is you do, and do, and do, and do until you get enough, get it right, or simply stop. 

And this blog is exactly that, a running guide of my lessons some that I’ve learned, some that I’m learning, and/or some that I hope to learn.  But one thing for sure is I’m sharing them with you.  And in the process perhaps as I’m discovering my “me”, you can discover your “you”? 

So here we are, 30 posts and one year later, my stories are all true, all life, all revealing, perhaps all contradicting, all funny, all painful, but all me…My life, in a shady haze of grey.  Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to another year of sharing, laughing, and crying (maybe I’m the only one crying) with you! ;-)

“On the way we shed some tears
Every day we sacrifice
So we can be standing here
Oh what a hell of a life”   
Johnny Boy Legend  “Rich Forever”


  1. Happy anniversary Nika. Thanks for allowing me a backseat on this ride....i laughed all the way.

  2. Strictly rollin' at you rehashing the five days you went swimming! #YOLO!
