Tuesday, May 29, 2012


“An unshared life is not living. He who shares does not lessen, but greatens, his life.” Stephen S. Wise

Have you ever played that game truth?  Okay, I may be making up the name of the game, but you know the one…everyone sits in a circle in the dark, your hands are in the circle where your pinky’s touch another person's pinkies? Someone asks a question and if it’s your truth, then you pull a finger back.  Now, no one will know your truth unless you’re down to your two pinkies in which only the person next to you will know what you “admitted” to doing or your truth.  Mind you there are so many different variations to this game….Truth, Questions, Pennies in the dark…the point is it’s a random confessional.  And the questions range from uber personal “Did you lose your virginity in high school?” to “Do you eat pork?”, questions that  you could ask with the lights on, but somehow feel better about being “honest” in the dark, right?  I absolutely loooved this game.  I’m a sharer…my core itches to share.  And I usually love for you to share with me; Nooooot  like the little old lady on the train who wants to tell you about her psoriasis type of sharing, but true friendship sharing.

But even as I type this, I fully know there’s something uneasy about sharing. To share with others personal stuff about yourself is to make yourself vulnerable.  But the reality is even if it’s just for a moment, in order for you to truly, genuinely develop relationships you’re going to have to let your guard down, and that can be scary.  And the fact remains that you can't really ever get to know anyone unless you share.  There are people that I call my close friends, besties even, that if I think about it there are holes in what I know about them.  Like have you ever been out with a friend and they reveal some isht and you’re like ….word??? Do I even know you? Like dude, who knew you had a fear of midgets wearing yellow? LOL Okay not that extreme, BUT I am often taken aback with how little I know of some people. 

Weird, right?  So how do you get to know people? People are so extra protective of their information…anti-sharers.  And all for various reasons I suppose.  I’m a sharer, so this is hard for me to understand and even explain but if I had to take a stab at it, I would assume folks are scared to be vulnerable.  And no, I don’t mean sharing how your day went….I mean sharing something like “sometimes when I go to sleep I sing lullabies to myself”.  No, that’s not my personal truth.  Seriously! It’s not!  (It’s somebody’s though lol)  But, it’s those types of truths that we’re scared to share.  We’re scared to allow people to seriously know us.  And that’s sad really, for I truly believe that you will never experience the beauty and closeness of true friendship until you open yourself up, and expose your true you.  Because really what’s caring without sharing? Yes?

With that said, I have a new initiative, to allow myself moments of vulnerability in all of my relationships.  To really make an effort to open myself up to the people that matter (because truth be told not everybody deserve such bare bones treatment….let’s be clear) 

With that said, since I consider you all my friends (sort of)  I will attempt to share a bit with you all here…you know to jump start this new project.   Yes? So, we’ll call this Nik’s  25 confessions….Okay 25 is a lot…so we’ll say Nik’s confessions, until she gets tired of confessing….bare with me , it’s late, that’s all I could come up with…

Nik’s Confessions Until She Gets Tired of Confessing

·         I still really struggle with telling time on a non digital watch as well as knowing my right from my left.   Don’t laugh…I don’t know why this is a struggle for me.  I was in honor’s classes my entire life.  I mean I’m no genius, but I’m genuinely smart.  However, if I’m walking down the street and someone yells “Quick run to your left” and my life depends on it??? I’m a dead girl walking. Dead. Girl. Walking.

·         Sometimes (please note that this IS NOT all the time) I look at peoples kids and think (in my head) this child isn’t cute.  I mean, you can’t fake that can you?

·         In a conversation with me sometimes I fake listening.  I’m a day dreamer…it’s a hard job but somebody has to do it! If I say “ummm hmmm” “that’s sooo funny” “I hear you” I. Haven’t. Heard. A. Word. You’ve. Said.  Just hang up and try later and I say that with love. Really.

·         I collect things.  No not pennies….more like…discard-able things.  But kind of not really on purpose…more like just never throw them away. Like ummm my…face wash containers.  I have 3 empty ones…I don’t know if I look at them and say “oh look…I used 3 containers in 3 months” or I’m just lazy.  As a matter of fact, let me just go throw them away now. (I dare you to call me a hoarder. I’m not. I’m a collector. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it)

·         When the time changes, like spring forward or falls back.  I never really change with it.  For the next few months, if I look at the clock and it says 3pm, I will always say in my head “but it’s really 2pm”.  I’m sure that says something about my ability or inability to adjust to change.  Whateves.

·         I only like large bars of soap.  Seems simple right? When the soap gets about 1/4 small, I cannot use it anymore.  But I hate being wasteful.  So I “collect” them…you know…oh never mind *goes to throw the soap away*

·         When I was little I used to daydream about being a singer and in this daydream I had a curl (yup a Jheri special.  Don’t judge me, I really wanted a curl and thought they were sooo fly) and a corduroy skirt/jacket outfit.  To this day I have a slight affinity for corduroy….curls not so much.

·         Sometimes when I confuse my prayers and my grace, and start saying my prayers during grace and my grace during my nightly prayers. And, sadly don’t really catch myself until I’m halfway through…

·         And lastly (yes Nik has had enough) when people write with a marker or pencil on paper, it’s my fingernails on a chalkboard.  In order to make the noise “right” I have to “erase” it with my hand.  <<<Yes that’s confusing and yes you read it right.  One day, if we’re really friends, I’ll show what I mean hahahahaha

Was that enough for you? Feel like you know me? Feel like maybe I shared too much? Didn’t want to know that I wanted a curl, eh?  Questioning your love for me as a friend based on my container gathering?  Or maybe you’re finding comrades of sorts in your inability to tell time? Yes...No? 

Listen, my favorite phrase in the entire world is “sharing is caring”.  Nothing shows you care more than sharing yourself, your world, your thoughts, your life.  If you want to show you care about someone, open yourself up to them.  And on the flip side, the same applies; want to show how much you DON’T care about someone, don’t share…don’t inquire about their lives…don’t open yourself up to them.  It will be picture clear. 

I have always been a sharer; most people can vouch for that.  But it goes deeper than just sharing; it’s the quality of the information I’m sharing with you that matters.  I can “share” surface tidbits with you and call us close, or I can really open up and build solid relationships.  And really what says we’re true friends like knowing I like corduroy suits.


  1. Thanks for sharing Nika Leek! So since we are confessing...WELLLL, about a year ago I bought some "booty pops"! Yep, the ones you see sold on tv (but I got mine from Bed, Bath and Beyond ha!). Anyhow, I forgot all about them and just tried them on for the first time yesterday! I actually HATED having a booty! hehehe! I guess I should just be happy with what God gave me! Phewww, that felt good sharing!!! :)

    1. Char this had me in tears!!!!!!!!! hahahaha only you!!!!
