Friday, September 16, 2011

Double Feature Friday: Dude Say What???

Want to get under my skin? One simple question will do it EVERY time. 

“Why are you single?” 

Arrrrggghhhhh! Talk about nails on a chalkboard! Dude like what you mean “why am I single?” If I knew…then…….???? Because the assumption has already been made that I don’t want to be single, no?  So if I knew why I wasn’t, wouldn’t I rectify and… ummmm ….fix? Like really? REALLY? 

I mean let’s just get down to the core of this, why do people really ask that question? Do they really want to know the answer?  They can’t. 

Strangely, it still throws me off when people ask that.  Now either I’m like “Wooow, people still ask that question?”  or I’m like “Qooooow, why haven’t I come up with a question for this crap yet?” but never am I like “Wooooow, good question” << Because. It. Is. Not.


One day I’m going to come up with a very witty answer and use it every time, I promise (and I’m open to suggestions, I know yall have some zingers our there lol).

You know what? Let this be a P.S.A….PLEASE STOP NOW!  I beg of you. Because the truth is, it doesn’t make single women feel great.  It’s not a compliment, no matter how you think it is.  It’s pointless…baseless…reckless even.  Instead let’s just use that little bit of time to ask me something more relevant, like……. for my number perhaps.


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