Monday, August 15, 2011

Year 35: The Progressive Movement

“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional” unknown
Okay so it’s not a big secret that I turned the big 3-5 this past weekend, lol partially because I don’t believe in keeping my birthday a secret! I mean I suppose out of respect for my grandmother (who believed no respectable woman should tell her age) I will eventually stop telling my age, but right now I’m 35 and proud of it! 

As a matter of fact, my birthday just so happens to be my favorite holiday of the year!!! Yes I said holiday! It truly is one in my mind.  To quote my dear friend Ant T…It’s called  "A Day". And I’ll take it a step further. “A week"… “A month".  Basically, it’s a celebration b*tches!!!!!!!!!!!!

No really.  I’ve always loved my birthday, and as I get older that love intensifies. I mean when I reflect on all of my peers who didn’t get to make it to 35, it’s just humbling.  To celebrate my birthday is to really truly appreciate the life God has given me.  So because of that, this weekend I found myself reflecting on me and my thoughts of getting older.   (Yes in New Orleans, I was thinking….alcohol can have that effect sometimes hehehe)

**Now y'all know, I grapple with getting too personal on this blog, but today I will make an exception just this one time ;-) ***

 Last year was a good year, but not an easy year.  Not only did I have family struggles and financial struggles, but I felt like I was emotionally unraveling.  Already an emotional and sensitive person, these “new” emotions were simply out of control.  Like has anyone ever felt like that?  Like things were spiraling out of control and all you could do was buckle in for the ride.  Yup, that was me.  An out of control, emotional broke mess. 

You know, my mind is a different entity.  It has a complete operating system of its own.  Sometimes it can create scenarios, situations, and emotions all on its own accord.  You see I’m an over thinker, yup, a classic Leo trait, and everything, anything, or nothing at all can send me on an emotional roller coaster.  It’s a side of me that up until recently I completely despised.  I say up until recently, because I only just decided to embrace it.  I’m over taking parts of myself and picking them apart and making them the enemy.  They’re great all on their on…favorable AND not so favorable traits.  Right? But hell why stop there?  This weekend I mentally created a list of things I learned about myself at 34, that I will stay mindful of at 35.  Because you know what, no matter how hard things seemed, how bad you think they were, how shady you think you’re hand was dealt, things could have certainly been worse.  And there is a lesson in everything. EVERYTHING.  It’s really all about perspective right?  So here’s my list of 34 things I learned at 34.  Feel free to add to the list in the comments. 

34 Things I Learned At 34:

  1. I’ve been tremendously blessed, even if the blessing comes by way of an unrecognizable vehicle.
  2. No matter how hard things may seem they can always be worse, as a matter fact. I’ve seen them get worse yet understand that it can get worse than that.
  3. I’m stronger and more resourceful than what I realize.
  4. Although I don’t have everything I want, I most certainly have everything I need.
  5. I’ll never let anyone or anything make me feel less than or not worthy.
  6. Although I hold on to these extra 30 pounds like a security blanket, that doesn’t make me any less beautiful than when I was without the extra layer ;-)
  7. Beauty REALLY is more than appearance
  8. Settling for mediocrity gets you nowhere.
  9. To get different results you really have to shake things up.
  10. And although after shaking things up I still didn’t get the results I wanted, at least I wasn’t in the same place I was a year ago.
  11. Progress really is a good thing. Stop looking for the final answer, just enjoy the progress.
  12. If I don’t truly love myself, how can I expect others to, and more importantly how I will I be able to ascertain when others do. 
  13. Comparing myself to others is absolutely ridiculous and will get me no where.  Especially since blessings are individually tailored.
  14. Nothing is more important than being true to you.
  15. I should always try to be a really great and genuine friend, but yet recognize that still means I won’t be the perfect friend.
  16. I am flawed, and it’s okay to accept that. 
  17. No matter how hard I like someone, a relationship that don’t make.
  18. And just because they don’t equally feel the same, that’s ok.  Some people like pineapples, some people don’t…that doesn’t make pineapples less tasty.
  19. Sometimes it’s all about the recovery not necessarily the fall or what caused the fall.
  20. Not everything has to be internalized.  You should leave some things right where they are.
  21. People are more enticed by a genuine me than a manufactured me.
  22. Not everyone is supposed to “get” me and its okay. I’m unique. I’m not for everyone.
  23. Happiness is a state of mind not to be influenced by external factors
  24. You can’t make anybody like you. Either they do or they don’t.
  25. I shouldn’t have to convince you to like me. Either you do or your don’t
  26. Number 26 is completely different from 25
  27. Don’t confuse being alone with being lonely. Being alone has its benefits.
  28. I’m emotional and I won’t make excuses for it.
  29. As a matter of fact, I won’t make ANY excuses for who I am, make the effort to get to know me or keep it moving.
  30. Some shit just isn’t that hard.
  31. Although my biological clock is ticking, I won’t let desperation make decisions for me. I’ll wait for the right one at the right time.
  32. Not everyone will celebrate you, with you, or for you….so what who cares, celebrate yourself and by yourself. One monkey don’t stop no show.
  33. People come into your life and leave your life for many reasons, I’ve learned when to accept them and when to let them go.
  34. I will set my own standard of beauty.

What are yours?